Friday, May 3, 2013

Senator Dave Syverson letter to the Sarges readers


As you know, I have been a strong supporter of our second amendment rights, and have long been an advocate for Right-to-Carry legislation. I have come to this conclusion not based on politics, but the facts and documentation from 49 states that have implemented forms of Right-to-Carry.

Recently, the Illinois House failed to pass comprehensive pro-gun legislation. I want to take a few minutes to share with you the differences in Illinois and surrounding states and how easy it should be to pass comprehensive Right-to-Carrry legisiation.

As you likely know, Illinois is the only state in the nation that does not recognize some form of Right-to-Carry. All five states surrounding Illinois -- Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin -- have a "shall issue" law. Other Midwestern states similar in size to Illinois -- Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania -- all have "shall issue" laws as well.

Each of those states requires a background check to receive a permit to carry a weapon. All of those states, except Indiana and Pennsylvania, require a firearm safety course to be approved for a permit.

The Legislative Research Unit here in Springfield did a fantastic job breaking down the requirements for right-to-carry laws by state across the country. I think you will find of interest what the other 49 states have done and how they differ in their approach to Right-to-Carry. Click here to see state by state charts.

If you take a look through the details, you'll see it should be easy for members of both parties to come together on a piece of legislation that allows law-abiding citizens their right to carry, while also keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.

While it is a serious issue, these cartoons do a good job explaining some of the opposition to passing legislation and the issues they don't adequately address.



I hope you know I'll continue to work hard with both Republicans and Democrats to pass a comprehensive commonsense Right-to-Carry bill.

Thank you for your continued interest in this important topic and I'll keep you up to date on the latest developments here at the Capitol.   
Sig 2 Dave  
Senator Dave Syverson


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