Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Illinois Politician is going to jail if this does not show us Illinoisian's how corrupt they are then you deserve to getting robbed of your hard earning money

Indicted Rep. Derrick Smith returns to House floor.

Indicted state Rep. Derrick Smith returned to the Illinois House today for the first time since his arrest on a federal bribery charge.
The West Side lawmaker sat quietly in the second row of the Democratic side of the chamber, occasionally shaking hands with fellow legislators.
Smith was indicted last week on a federal charge that he accepted $7,000 from a trusted campaign worker. Smith thought the money was a payoff from a day care operator who wanted him to write an official letter supporting a bid for a $50,000 state grant, authorities said. The campaign helper was working for the FBI, and the day care operation was a government ruse, officials said.
The indicment followed Smith's arrest a week before the March 20 primary. Smith was renominated but faces calls to resign. Democratic leaders were mostly silent on Smith before the primary, but now are pressuring him to step down. Chicago Democrats would get to appoint a replacement on the November ballot should Smith resign.
Through his attorney, Smith has said he won't step down. A House committee is investigating the situation.
Today, shortly after the House gaveled in for business, Bears 1985 championship star Richard Dent got cited by lawmakers for making it into the Hall of Fame.
The lawmakers and staff stood in front of the speaker's podium to shake hands with Dent. Smith was not among the lawmakers putting their hands into Dent's big right hand.
After leaving the House floor, Smith declined to comment when asked about his situation and the charges he faces.

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