Tuesday, September 19, 2017

New Age Tile and Painting (Update)

We have heard from New Age Tile and Painting and below os hos response to the A.G.'s office.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luis Mejia <newagetile@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 2:05 PM
Subject: Response to File # 2017-CONSC-00055624
To: kgreen@atg.state.il.us

Dear Keya Green

I am responding to File #2017-CONSC-00055624. We are currently seeking legal council for this matter. This is the 1st time in 21 years that I have come across this type of problem with a client. Many, if not all of the accusations are false and we have evidence to support the inconsistancies of the Deluca Complaint. In Delucas complaint they also failed to give addtional info to you about the added work and preexisting damage they asked New Age tile to repair. The fact s of the matter are (3) weeks into contract, New Age Tile was fire by Deluca. explained by Moira as she has" no more patience New Age Tile is fired. lack of progress". As of the beginning of the 3rd of contract, basement was close to completion 1 week left, masterbath was close to completion 1 week left, kitchen was more than 3/4rds done but was delayed because Deluca did not have funds to purchase remaining items for install, Deluca delayed purchase of kitchen flooring and did not buy cabinets when asked to by New Age Tile. All cabinet Designing and measurements needed for cabinets /flooring and quotes had been completed on 2nd week of contract for Deluca for an on time installation Documentation available to support New Age Tile Kitchen measuremets and cabinet design . in the second week of contract Deluca upgraded and modified Our contract to include and additional amount of labor and materials. Deluca upgrdaed MasterBathroom shower walls, to premium tile layout, and added custom tile work shower area...in basement Deluca added upon request, additional demolition, added premium crown molding, upgraded from standard lighting to 12 fixtures w/premium LED lighting and added additional tile areas to be tiled. Deluca asked that an additional (3) but total of(6) doors be replaced and not veneered. Deluca requested additional labor that the ktchen soffits be removed and drywall be put in its place. In addition to the added work Deluca requested,  the property had prexiting damage that was not specified in the contract. Kitchen window and floor has water damage and mold from a leaking window. Masterbathroom shower valve wall had water damaged wood framing, on the 3rd week of contract more prexisting damage is shown in his picture with the basement flooring wet because rear porch gutter and down spout was damaged ..  Deluca asked that New Age Tile do repairs. Notice of extension of time and additional labor and materials costs were given to Deluca family and also Realtor/advisor to Deluca Family on construction Dominic Capone email: prorealtor75@gmail.com (630)398-7144 was given. Now, lets review overall a very large percentage of work was completed within 3 weeks. I'm not sure what more I can explain at this time with out having approval from my Attorney. Please be clear. I Luis Mejia and New Age Tile will cooperate 100% to resolve this complaint asap.I also have a response to Deluca complaint " New Age Tile used friends and family some who are not professionals............" I will call you Tuesday 9/5/2017 to discuss this particularly sensitive topic. Thank you


Luis Mejia
Project Manager
New Age Tile 
Office (708)668-3663

We had sent him more questions and hope to get answers from once we have spoken to everyone we will put our final posting. But until then we want our readers to have all the pieces.

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