Friday, May 4, 2012

This just entered the news room: Fri, May 4, 2012 11:36:33 AM“Woman With Shotgun Kills Would-Be Rapist...”

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Dear Fellow Armed Citizen,

I want to get right into this week’s Concealed Carry Report with a story that is sure to get your blood boiling...

The woman in this week’s Video of the Week article was raped in her home, and 5 days later the rapist came back to do it again. However, the second time around he met her while she was holding a 12 gauge shotgun she borrowed from a friend: See the details here...

This week’s True Defense Story is about a teenager that was killed after he, along with two friends, broke into a man’s home to rob him. The boy was only 14 years old.

Listen, I have a 13 year old son, and I’m well aware that the decisions he makes now will have lasting and potentially life-altering consequences. As a father of three I know that educating them is my responsibility as a parent, I take that responsibility very seriously.

I have also included on article from Cody Alderson where he explains the warrior in history, both men and women. I have also included an article from the Forum that talks about Concealed Carry Fashion.

Until next week, Stay Safe

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder

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