Today 29 Aug 12 at 1700 Hours Chicago Police chased and capture one of many wildbeast for muder and his friends in to a building.
The alleged offender had killed 2 and wounded 8. To quote X00 kick in that fucking door now and take him outX99 you heard the boss kick it in. X42 get fd on scene we need a ladder offender is on the roof. X99 two at a time go on to the roof we don't need any one hurt. 1 for the mobile with X00 go
X00 I am on the way 10-4
Dispatch do you need cpd1 No Squadwe are good X71 has 6 X 12 has 2 and X33R have 1 show us going to the area.
1 to all units good job very good jab anyone hurt X60 no blue injured only offenders.
X00 outstanding work proud of you keep it