Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Christie Throw Gun Control Insults Video and article


CBS New York reports that Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey are slinging mud over gun issues.

It all started with comments from Bloomberg about the recent tragic shooting in Colorado: "This is killing people every day, and it's growing and it's not just an inner-city, east coast, west coast, big city phenomenon. Aurora is not a big city."

Gov. Christie made a jab at Bloomberg when he asked, “Can we at least get through the initial grief and tragedy for these families before we start making them political pawns?” He didn’t specifically name Bloomberg in his statement, but the implication was certainly there.

The outspoken mayor of New York retaliated by making an attack against Christie’s future political opportunities. Mitt Romney might be eyeing Christie as a potential vice president running mate, so Bloomberg tried to paint Christie as being an advocate of gun control: “Some people try to write it that he is opposed to what we are trying to do. That’s not so. Governor Christie has stood up for reciprocity. Governor Christie has said there are too many hand guns in New Jersey.”

That's the pot calling the kettle black. Everybody already knows that Christie is a strong advocate of gun control, and that New Jersey has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

So, will that smear tactic actually do anything to hurt Christie’s chances of becoming a vice presidential nominee? Maybe, maybe not. It does raise an interesting question for Republican gun owners: would you still vote for Romney if he had Christie as his running mate?
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