Friday, August 31, 2012

True News USA

True News USA took over DSLC (detective shaved long cock) files and news coverage since DSLC was shut down. Like you I was a long time reader of DSLC and SCC (second city cop) lets hope my blog site as well as other bloggers are not shut down for speaking the truth. well I said enough please enjoy one of many to come bloggs from the newest blog site on the block.

He was the surprised guest at the RNC - Clint Eastwood Speech: Movie Star Talks To An Empty Chair (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney probably hoped that surprise guest Clint Eastwood would make his day at the convention -- instead, the 82-year-old gave a rambling speech that was as disastrous as the botched bank robbery that he stopped in "Dirty Harry" while playing a jaded San Francisco cop.

Eastwood talked to an empty chair representing President Barack Obama.

"So Mr. President, how do you handle promises you've made?" he said to the chair. He then proceeded to rankle Obama for his administration's proposal to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York, a plan from which he later backed down, and the war in Afghanistan, for which Romney has endorsed the same withdrawal timeline.

Eastwood also jabbed Vice President Joe Biden, calling him the "intellect of the Democratic party." "He's just a grin with a body behind it," Eastwood said.

He attacked Obama for, of all things, riding in Air Force One. "You could still use a plane," he said, "Not that big gas guzzler you are going around to colleges and talking about student loans and stuff like that."

Eastwood, who praised Romney as a "stellar businessman," later said that he thought it was never a good idea for attorneys to be president, despite the fact that Romney has a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

"When somebody doesn't do the job, you gotta let them go," he said, gesturing to draw a finger across his throat.


The Raw Truth As An American Sees It



Respect for the Second Amendment in Illinois’ Largest County

Posted on August 24, 2012
On Tuesday, the Springfield, Illinois, State Journal-Register reported that the state’s attorney in McLean County (Bloomington area) announced that he would not enforce certain Illinois gun control laws that violate the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In particular, the county’s top prosecutor, Ronald Dozier, singled out the Illinois law that requires a person to possess a Firearm Owners Identification Card to be able to buy a gun.
“Our message is this,” Dozier said. “We will no longer use the power and authority of our office to criminalize and punish decent, otherwise law-abiding citizens who choose to exercise the rights granted to them by the Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and their families.” Dozier also noted that Illinois is the only state that still prohibits people from carrying concealed weapons.
Prospective firearm carriers take note, however: McLean County Sheriff Mike Emery, while agreeing with Dozier about the conflict between the Second Amendment and the Illinois gun control laws, said his office would continue to enforce the laws in their present form. Thus, as Dozier said, his decision is largely “symbolic.”