New revelations about the injuries suffered by accused Florida gunman George Zimmerman may sway public opinion about what happened the night he fatally shot Trayvon Martin three months ago, but it may have no effect on a battle the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is waging as a direct result of that confrontation.
CCRKBA’s Alan Gottlieb yesterday did a mass e-mail appeal to hundreds of thousands of gun rights activists nationwide, declaring that anti-gunners are exploiting the Martin slaying in an effort to eliminate so-called “Stand Your Ground” (SYG) laws. Washington is an SYG state, but there is no statute on the books here, just a series of court rulings affirming that in the Evergreen State, there is no duty to retreat from an attack. This column first discussed that exploitation two months ago, and according to Gottlieb’s Monday mailing, it remains a genuine threat.
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