My route to and from the house has been very intresting a route I normally never take unless LSD is closed. But as I drove home after my watch was over and dealing with idiots, I ended up in the 2400 block of S. Michigan. As we waited calmly in our cars for the police escorted protest to go by a large group of protesters with sticks, and flag poles came rushing behind the others which caused people to leave their car in fear. I got on citywide1 and blurted **57 emergency C.P.D. arrived fairly quickly and we corraled the Black Bloc in to a corner so people can get to their cars and get out. Approx. 3 minutes went by when the riot team from C.P.D. arrived releiving the uniformed officer's with in another 5 minutes as I walked back to my car Sup. Gary Mc Carthy shook my hand and said nice job Sarge as ISP riot officer's moved in. This is what it looked like
2400 S. Michigan at 1530 hours |
2300 Block S. Michigan people returning to their cars on the 2400 block |
the first person to be arrested at the 2200 Block curtousy of Fox News |
curtousy of Fox News this was at 1830 hours exactly two hours after I left the area |
And this why you out of state protester's don't fuck around in Chicago cause we will kick your ass back to what ever shit hole you came from |
If you noticed no Sheriff