ALERTVol. 19, No. 15

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency denied
for the second time a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity and other
anti-hunting groups asking the EPA to impose a nationwide ban on the use of
ammunition containing lead. The petition was essentially a repetition of a
similar petition submitted by the CBD in 2010. The EPA found that the new
petition was “almost identical” to the earlier petition, had no “substantive
difference,” and “contains no new information” as compared to the earlier
In rejecting the new petition, the EPA reiterated its
earlier finding that that it has no authority to issue an ammunition ban. To
ensure a positive outcome on this matter, NRA-ILA is actively supporting
Representative Jeff Miller’s (R-Fla.) “Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 (H.R.
4089), which will be voted on by the House of Representatives next week. This
legislation also contains provisions “to facilitate use of and access to Federal
public lands and waters for fishing, sport hunting, and recreational shooting,”
and to increase the number of shooting ranges on federal lands. To read a letter
in support of H.R. 4089 signed by NRA and dozens of other organizations from the
recreational fishing, hunting, shooting, and wildlife conservation community,
click here. It is critical
that you contact your U.S. Representative in support of H.R. 4089. To
find contact information for your Representative, use the
“Write Your
Reps” feature at (Read More)…
NRA Members “All In” for 2012
Over 160 pro-gun patriots rolled up their sleeves and went to work at today's
NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop, titled “Grassroots Campaigning in a National
Election Year”. The event was held in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings
& Exhibits in St. Louis, Missouri. Though most attendees were home state
Missourians, NRA members were represented from states from across the country.
Diversity in geography notwithstanding, all were united in a single
mission--learning what they can start doing TODAY to ensure a
victory for gun owners in November!
NRA-ILA Executive Director, Chris W. Cox, and NRA
Second Vice President Allan Cors, paid tribute to the attendees, who serve as
the tips of our grassroots arrows, giving credit for NRA's successes to whom it
rightly belongs--our members and grassroots activists. Each stressed the need
for attendees to be “All In” this election year, and to work to rally America’s
100 million gun owners nationwide to the polls on Election Day.
(Read More)…
Old Habits Die Hard at NBC
Only two weeks ago,
NBC was caught having deceptively edited a 911 tape from the controversial
Zimmerman/Martin shooting in Florida. This week, NBC accused Remington Arms
Company of manufacturing unsafe firearms—specifically its immensely popular
Model 870 and Model 1100 shotguns. Gun owners will also remember the hatchet job
that NBC did on the Remington Model 700 bolt-action rifle in
Remington and the
National Shooting Sports
Foundation have already set the record straight on the
substance of NBC’s current accusation, so for the moment we will address the
purely political issues involved, and NBC’s history of dishonest reporting to
push its political agenda.
NBC coupled its accusation against the two models of
shotguns with a call for all firearms to be subject to the oversight of the
Consumer Product Safety Commission, something straight out of the Brady
Campaign’s playbook for the last 30-odd years. Gun prohibition activists have
always wanted the commission to have the power to declare all firearms
inherently too unsafe to be legal for sale. The Brady outfit even called for
consumer products regulations on firearms in the gun control proposals it made to President
Obama in 2008. (Read More)…
Protect Your Rights! Act Now to Support Legal
Transportation of Firearms
When Congress passed
the Firearms Owners' Protection Act (FOPA) in 1986, one of the key provisions of
the bill was intended to protect the rights of gun owners to legally transport
their firearms between locations where they are legally allowed to possess
Unfortunately, some local jurisdictions have chosen
to ignore federal law and the courts have upheld these infringements on Second
Amendment rights.
H.R. 4269, introduced by U.S. Reps. Morgan Griffith
(R-Va.), Ted Poe (R-Texas) and Bill Owens (D-N.Y.) would amend this provision to
ensure it has the effect Congress intended.
Most states have never had a problem with this law.
However, both before and after enactment of FOPA, gun owners have had serious
problems lawfully travelling with their firearms in two states in particular:
New York (especially New York City) and New Jersey. Rather than recognize the
intention of Congress to protect the rights of Americans travelling with legally
owned firearms, these jurisdictions have used overly restrictive state licensing
laws to harass and prosecute travelers. (Read More)…
Hunger Games Star Chides
Gun owners and hunters
are all too familiar with Hollywood elites disparaging or mis-representing
firearm ownership in the U.S., so when stars of the silver screen make comments
that resonate with the millions of American gun owners and hunters, it’s worth
Louisville, Kentucky native, Jennifer Lawrence, who
stars in the smash hit move, Hunger Games, most likely caused some ears
in Tinsel town to perk up with some of her recent comments. (Read More)ALASKA: Self-Defense Legislation Needs Action by April
House Bill 80, critical self-defense legislation
passed in the state House at the end of last session and reported by the state
Senate Judiciary Committee on March 23, has since been languishing in the Senate
Finance Committee. With the 2012 legislative session scheduled to adjourn this
Sunday, April 15, it is imperative that HB 80 be heard in and reported by
committee immediately.
ARIZONA: Governor Signs Hunter Protection Bill into
On April 10, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
signed House Bill 2457 into law. This legislation, allowing hunters to carry a
handgun for self-defense while in the field, will go into effect ninety days
after the state legislature adjourns.
Governor Signs Bill Allowing Law Enforcement to Sell
Confiscated Firearms
On April 4, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed
Senate Bill 1241 into law, an important gun bill relating to forfeited and
seized firearms. SB 1241 passed in the state Senate by a 21 to 9 vote on
February 16 and passed in the state House by a 43 to 12 vote on March
GEORGIA: Unfortunate Political Games in the General Assembly
Accomplished Little
On March 29, the Georgia General Assembly
adjourned and with that, the door of opportunity to pass substantial pro-gun
reforms was slammed shut. The potential for pro-gun legislation to pass in both
chambers of the state legislature was very real and likely for this legislative
session. But, due to the serious distrust between the members of both
legislative bodies towards its opposite (despite being of the same political
party), gun owners will now need to wait until next year for legislative efforts
to protect and restore our Second Amendment rights.
KENTUCKY: Governor Signs Three NRA-Backed Bills into
On April 11, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear
signed three NRA-backed bills into law: House Bill 484, concealed carry
exemption; House Bill 500, strengthening current firearms preemption law;
and House Bill 563, fraudulent firearms prevention. These new laws will take
effect on July 11, 2012.
LOUISIANA: Constitutional Amendment Passes State Senate and Goes
to House
On April 9, the Louisiana
Senate voted 31 to 6 to pass a strong constitutional amendment that would
fortify the right to keep and bear arms for Louisianans. Senate Bill 303 is now
in the state House of Representatives where it was referred to House
Administration of Criminal Justice Committee for further
MAINE: Emergency Powers Legislation Sent to
The Maine Legislature has sent another pro-gun
bill to Governor Paul LePage for his approval. Legislative Document 1859, “An
Act to Protect Firearm Ownership during Times of Emergency,” would clarify that,
during any declared state of disaster or emergency, lawfully possessed, used,
carried, transferred, transported, stored or displayed firearm or ammunition
cannot be seized from law-abiding citizens.
Senate Passes Two More NRA-Supported Bills
The Mississippi Senate unanimously passed House
Concurrent Resolution 30 and House Bill 353 this week. HCR 30, the NRA-backed
right to hunt and fish constitutional amendment, was passed in the state Senate
on April 10 and will now appear on the November 2014 ballot for voter approval.
HB 353, legislation which would make it a crime to deceive a federal firearm
licensed dealer when purchasing a firearm was approved in the state Senate on
April 11, and will be sent back to the House for concurrence with the Senate
NEBRASKA: Civil Protection for Self-Defense Bill Awaits
Governor’s Approval
On April 5, Legislative Bill 804, civil immunity
legislation, passed during its final reading on the floor of the Legislature by
an overwhelming 45 to 0 vote. LB 804 was sent to Governor Dave Heineman for his
NEW MEXICO: State Affiliate to Hold Membership Meeting This
The National Rifle Association’s official state
affiliate, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA), will hold a
general membership meeting in Las Cruces on Saturday, April 21, from 1:00 p.m.
to 3:30 p.m. This meeting is scheduled to take place at St. James Episcopal
Church, located at 102 St. James Avenue near the southeast corner of Main and
University, will be open to current NMSSA members and NRA members who
are interested in learning more about the benefits of joining
OKLAHOMA: Mourning the Loss of a Second Amendment Leader and
Oklahoma firearm owners lost a loyal friend on
April 6, when state Representative Sue Tibbs passed away after a strong and
courageous battle with cancer. Sue Tibbs was 77 years old and in her final term
in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
Firearms Reform Bills Continue to
After passing their chamber of origin, three
NRA-backed bills continue to garner support in the Oklahoma Legislature. On
April 4, Senate Bills 1760 and 1743 were each passed in their respective House
committees with overwhelming approval, while Senate Bill 1420 cleared the House
yesterday. Please continue to encourage your state Representative to support
protections to your gun rights and hunting heritage.
OREGON: Governor Signs CHL Confidentiality Bill into
On April 11, Governor John Kitzhaber signed House
Bill 4045 into law. This important Concealed Handgun License (CHL)
confidentially law went into effect immediately.
Hunting to be Expanded in Plan for Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge
A plan that will guide management of the
187,000-acre Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for the next fifteen years has
been released to the public for comment. Located in Harney County, the Refuge
was established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 to protect colonial
nesting bird populations and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS). The Refuge is currently open to hunting, but the USFWS intends to
expand existing hunt opportunities. Under Alternative 2, the preferred action
alternative, upland game hunting would open three weeks earlier than under the
current program. Existing waterfowl hunt areas would be tremendously expanded
by opening a portion of the south-central area of Malheur Lake, adding a new
boat launch at headquarters, and by opening the Buena Vista
UTAH: Governor Signs Three NRA-Supported Bills into
Governor Gary Herbert has signed three pro-gun
bills into law: House Bill 117, House Bill 129 and House Bill 395. All three
laws went into effect immediately upon the Governor signing them. HB 117 repeals
the limitation on carrying a concealed firearm while hunting. HB 129 clarifies
and strengthens Utah’s statute which protects a property owner from civil
liability if the person is justified in defending his or her home and family
against criminal activity. Finally, HB 393 will make a number of positive
changes to existing law, including model language from the NRA’s Fraudulent
Firearm Purchase Prevention Act.
VIRGINIA: Planning Process Underway for James River
National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing
a new management plan for the James River National Wildlife Refuge which is
located along the James River in Prince George County, eight miles southeast of
Hopewell and thirty miles southeast of Richmond. The 4,325-acre refuge is open
to deer hunting. The USFWS is inviting public comments to help shape management
decisions on the refuge for the next fifteen years. Once a plan is drafted it
will be made available for public review and comment. The Service has
identified several preliminary issues, concerns, and opportunities, including
the amount and distribution of public use. If you want to become involved in
the planning process, you may submit comments to Please include
“James River CCP” in the subject line. For further information you may call
Meghan Carfioli, the Planning Team Leader, at 804-829-5413.
VIRGINIA: Governor Signs Three NRA-Backed Bills Into
On April 2, West Virginia Governor Earl Ray
Tomblin signed three NRA-backed bills into law: SB 149, a firearms destruction
prohibition bill; SB 353, important background check exemption legislation; and
SB 478, legislation that creates an apprentice hunting license. All three laws
will take effect on June 8, 2012.
WISCONSIN: Governor Walker Signs Two Important Hunting
On April 4, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
signed into law two important hunting initiatives. Assembly Bill 311, the
Hunting Heritage Act, and Senate Bill 411 which creates a regulated gray wolf
hunting season, passed by large bipartisan majorities in both houses of the
state legislature and will help preserve Wisconsin’s rich hunting
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