68 Year Old Marine who served in Viet Nam
How is it this media curcuis make sure the whole nation herd about Trayvon but a man who served his country is not on the media's nose. A civilian shoots and kills a gang banging thief and he sits in jail, but a team of police officer's who responded to a medical alert violated the 4th amendment and shot and killed a Marine after the Marine had stated leave me alone I am ok I set it off by mistake I was in bed yet the police still refused to listen to the Devil Dog. It is amazing that these officer's where not gunned down. I can see why the state of Indiana passed the law to were you can kill a police officer. below is the law
Which means if this vet was in Indiana when these cops forced themselves in to his home in violation of the 4th Amendment this Marine could have killed at least 2 or 3 cops before they killed him and it would have been all on tape like his murder was. Indiana passed this law because 13 homes where hit by police in serving a warrant and all 13 times the police had the wrong house so when they were slamming the door the home owner thought he was about to have his or her home invaded grabbed the firearm to protect the family and were gunned down by police. Once police realized they were at the wrong house it is to late they have committed homicide. Yes according to the law it is justified but Indiana had to put a stop some where and give the people a reasonable ground to fight back. When police are wrong they cover it up and that makes the good cops look bad when they are not. Below is a link to a video of the Marine's son speaking to the press
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